Saturday, May 1, 2010

Let's Drink to That!

This may be a blog about eating challenges, but I can't resist mentioning my favorite drink: coffee.

I could drink it by the carafe, and on a couple occasions I have! Those were mostly slow days at work, when someone made too much coffee in the morning and I really didn't have much to do but sit down and drink it.

As for drinking contests, I haven't really heard of any. The IFOCE doesn't arrange them. I certainly don't condone them,  since there have been incidents of people dying while consuming too much fluid. There's that nasty business of messing up your body's electrolyte balance with too much water - which can be lethal.

It's not uncommon for a couple of guys to set up a spontaneous drinking contest, but I don't care for those either. I love the taste of coffee. I don't see any point in tossing it down the gullet, especially when it's hot. My personal record for coffee consumption is about 15 cups in one day. That occurred during a very stressful time in my life. Obviously I don't have any issue with handling caffeine. I've never known what the "jitters" are all about. These days, for health reasons, I've cut back to my typical 2-3 cups.

Favorites of mine are dark roast, and those flavored coffees with cinnamon or chocolate flavors. I never use creamer or milk.. Those interfere with the pure coffee experience.

My favorite moment to drink coffee is in the morning. I love it when it's barely cool enough to sip, but still scalding hot. It reminds me of the old medieval punishment of drinking boiling lead, and I can only imagine how hellish that must have felt. I'm not pushing it - I've burned my tongue on coffee before, and I hated that sensation. I can't imagine what it's like to feel your esophagus melting.

Besides, I'll need my esophagus in good working order to continue taking on eating challenges.

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