Friday, December 11, 2015

Big Food Favorites on YouTube - Part One

For no reason at all, here's a run through of 5 favorite old videos I've done. Have you seen them all?
Hershey’s Ultimate Chocolate Lovers Challenge - I tried to eat 15 chocolates while lying down. Smart? You decide?

Jay Leno Challenge - I tried to complete the Fatburger Triple Kingburger Challenge faster than Jay Leno, who apparently did it in five minutes flat.

McDonalds 20 Hamburger Challenge- so I spent one night trying to eat 20 normal hamburgers. But don't tell me you didn't try to do the same thing at least once in your life!

Cinco de Mayo Challenge - I try to eat 5 jars of mayonnaise, which is just plain idiocy.

And finally, there was the Burger King Menu Eaten in 3 Minutes... I mean, the Dollar Menu Eaten in 3 minutes. I'm proud of this one.

I'm proud of all of my video work, but this just really tickled my fancy - looking back. Hope you enjoy em! Stay in School, Don't Do Drugs, and Eat Like a Freak!


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