Friday, May 25, 2012

Oregon Mania

This weekend, I return to the state of Oregon. Hadn't been there since the Summer of 2009. Back then, I ventured North to visit a relative. Eating big was hardly on the agenda, and the one challenge I attempted defeated me.

2012 is a bit different. On the heels of Randy Santel's dominant visit to Washington state, I will make my way back to Oregon. There are two items on the agenda. Meet Aaron Wakamatsu, fellow foodie and all-around good friend, and to eat like a freak.

My roadmap is pretty much set. I'll be tackling several major challenges near Salem and Portland.

1) China Blue Lucky Seven Chicken Dinner (7 lbs)
2) Mad Greek Deli 24" sandwich w/fries (6 lbs)
3) Odd Moe's Pizza Triple Play Challenge (4-5 lbs)
4) The Legend 5 lb Poutine Challenge
5) Church St. Pizza 28" Pizza Challenge (10+ lbs)
6) Voodoo Doughnuts' Texass Doughnut (~ 1 lb)

There may be a heat challenge or two thrown in alongside that. What follows should be interesting blog and YouTube material. See you soon.

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