Thursday, May 24, 2012

Give Me Some Tongue

I like taco shops that offer "odd" cuts of meat. And when I say odd, I mean that from the perspective of the commercialized diet of cheeseburger and pizza. Anyone who's followed my meals knows I love raw fish. The cuts of tendon and tripe you find in pho tickles my fancy equally well.

So, what meat did I get? Tongue and head (for linguistic sensitivity the sign advertised them as lengua and cabeza). They're really tender. Only 99 cents each. I'd do better to go on Tuesdays, when they have a 75 cent taco deal.

My mission to locate the best eating places in the High Desert continues. Los Jalapenos #2 certainly does a good job in Victorville (and just 100 feet from a Taco Bell), but honestly, they're not a total High Desert experience. Their first location is in Rancho Cucamonga. The search continues.

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