Thursday, October 27, 2011

20K Is Pho Real

There haven't been many updates on this site lately. So, here I go. You're looking at the Pho Real Challenge, offered at the Bamboo Cafe in Simi Valley. It's comparable to most other pho challenges I've done.. 2 lbs of noodles, and 2 lbs of meats. I powered through the bowl in 18 minutes. That was second best to the house record of 12 minutes, set by another competitive eater a month before. Winners get a free shirt and a $25 refund.

The funniest detail of this challenge came from a customer seated several rows behind me. He ordered his own pho challenge bowl several minutes before me, but was still working on it long after I'd been declared a winner.

"What the hell? He's done? That guy's a beast. He's gotta have a tapeworm or something."

Well, tapeworm or not, it made for some good eating.


20K Club Revisited

Though the subject has sat dormant for months, I will be making a serious attempt at entering the 20k club tomorrow. If this subject makes no sense to you (or if you think I'm about to go running), 20k refers to calories consumed. Matt Stonie, Johnnie Excel, and I were discussing the feasibility of eating 20,000 calories in one sitting using real foods and nothing much came of the project but research.

Tomorrow comes action. Pictures and a report will follow.

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