Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Last summer, a friend turned my attention to something called the "GOMAD" Diet. The acronym refers to a "gallon of milk a day," as opposed to losing one's sanity. There may not be much of a difference after you've been on the plan a week. That's a lot of milk on a daily basis. One or two cups is my norm.

Turns out the GOMAD Diet is used by people looking to pack on weight quickly. I don't need help in that department... but it got me interested in the subject of drinking a gallon of milk in one sitting.

It's been done before. Obviously. I just wanted to find something different to do that week in July.

My kitchen scale said the full gallon weighed roughly 8.8 lbs. It's liquid, so I knew it would be far easier than doing the same in solids.

Extrapolating from the label, a gallon of nonfat milk packs quite the nutritional punch:

1440 calories
208 g of carbohydrates
144 g of protein
and a whole lotta calcium.

Well, six minutes later I felt quite heavy. Then about thiry minutes later I felt empty. And absolutely starving. Weirdness.

It was so cold! That's what I get for drinking it right out of the fridge. I actually suffered "brain freeze" at a couple of different moments and needed to stop.

One thing's for sure - no GOMAD for me.

No GOMISM either!