Friday, February 10, 2012

3 Men, 21 lbs of Pudding

Have you ever had the urge to gather up two of your buddies, crack open three huge cans of pudding, and see who could eat the most in 30 minutes?

Yeah, the thought has struck my mind from time to time. Fortunately no one has taken me up on the offer. Those oversized industrial cans of pudding probably aren't that tasty.

Enter the illustrious characters of Wreckless Eating. These guys specialize in eating the disgusting and the unexpected. Think of them as the forgotten segment of competitive eating. Most of us want to eat a ton, and preferably quickly, but these guys really just want to shock you. I'm developing a taste for it. Fear Factor meets Man V Food.

Matt Zion, Chris Wreckless, and Havik endured a long distance battle to determine WE Pudding Champion of 2012. I was sidelined from the challenge mostly because my specialty is mass consumption. My role in the video is limited to coaching.

But, there's a silver lining. I got in the golden line: "Go 'Til You Blow," which may become the new mantra of competitive eaters everywhere. Anyone who's been involved in an eating contest knows what I'm talking about.

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