Wednesday, January 11, 2017

12 Egg Omelet - Biggest in California?

The picture speaks for itself. There's a lot of egg there. Lots of chili, cheese, onions, mushrooms, potatoes, and biscuit too. Anyone who watches Man V Food will recognize this as the "Ironman Challenge" from the Broken Yolk Café. They take their food challenge very seriously over there.

How seriously? They keep a "Wall of Fame" for winners in the dining area, and a "Wall of Shame" for losers near the bathrooms. The location of the "Shame" wall is fitting, because more than a few of them have probably ended up in the bathroom before leaving the establishment entirely. Take a look:

That's the infamous Wall of Shame. Some got a lot closer than others. I feel for people who attempt food challenges and can't complete them. It's like climbing a mountain and stumbling right as you reach the peak. I've stumbled more than a few times myself.

And here's the happier, hallowed "Wall of Fame." This is the one you want to be on. Diners get to see this one as they peruse the menu and decide what they want to eat. Molly Schuyler is featured prominently, because she is a world-class eater who can demolish one of the challenge platters in mere minutes. She holds the restaurant's time record (across all locations, if I'm not wrong) and is the only person to eat two - TWO - in one sitting.

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention which location I visited. I was in Bakersfield, on my way up north to visit the Fresno Zoo and tackle a couple of giant burritos in central California. It was a warm December morning. The staff was incredibly friendly and cordial. The manager was accommodating, even helping me relocate to a table that would allow for better lighting and filming.

I'm proud of this video. The production was fun, my DSLR camera got some decent close-up shots, and I was able to put together something that is a step above most of my work. If you aren't too worried about the number of eggs, go ahead and check it out!

A Cheesy Introduction

The real question is: would you eat that?
3300 Buena Vista Rd, Bakersfield, CA 93311
(661) 695-9655

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Jack in the Box Tacos - Why Are They So Popular?

When the Wall Street Journal talks to you about tacos, you know you've done something right. At least it feels that way, 7 or 8 years deep into my competitive eating shenanigans. Back in 2008, when it all began, I never pictured myself being a subject of newspaper or magazine interviews. Apparently, eating large quantities of fast food makes your opinion relevant to things.

So, a couple weeks ago, I received a kind email asking for information relating to my experience of eating 50 Jack in the Box tacos. It's not the kind of thing people ask me about everyday. The main story was about Jack in the Box tacos - why are they so popular? And, as any internet search will show you, I was foolhardy enough to try to eat 9+ pounds worth of the stuff. Clearly, I held some opinion about WHY I'd want to eat so many of Jack's tacos.

I'll leave it to you to check out the article. It's a well-written, thoughtful read about popularity that has me wondering how long it's been since my last taco. On that note, I think I'm heading down to Jack's to sample another one (or two) of his greasy, crunchy, delicious tacos.

... And I'm not even hungover.